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Our Team

Our team consists of partners with over 15 years of experience in investment banking and specialists in various fields such as accounting, taxation, legal, IPO, and corporate restructuring. We collaborate closely with you and prioritize your business success and value maximization. Our team provides the strategic insights, analysis, and detailed execution plans that are most needed in your specific situation.

Wanghee Cho
​Founder / Partner

  • 15+ years of investment banking experience

  • DB Financial Investment, IB Division

  • Atman Asset Management, Alternative Fund Management

  • Kailas Private Equity, PEF Management​

Hyungin Yang
Advisor / CPA / Accounting, Tax advisory

  • certified public accountant

  • Daemyung Accounting Corporation ABS advisory

  • PWC Samil Accounting Corporation Financial Advisory

  • ​Woori Accounting Firm

Hyungin Yang
Advisor / CPA / Accounting, Tax advisory

  • 경희대학교 경제학 학사

  • 공인회계사

  • 대명회계법인 자산유동화 (구조자문, 평가)

  • 삼일회계법인 Financial Advisory

  • DB금융투자 IB사업부 (PEF)​ 

Seongwook Kim
Advisor / Strategy & Financing advisory

  • CEO of Daskind

  • Accelerator

  • ​Corporate rehabilitation and restructuring expert

Jeonghwan Lee
Advisor / Lawyer / Legal advisory

  • 한국외국어대학교 경영학 학사

  • 메시스파트너스

  • 워터브릿지파트너스

  • 신영증권 / 신한금융투자

  • ​동훈인베스트먼트

Sangbeom Kim
Advisor / CPA / Accounting advisory

  • 연세대학교 경제학 학사

  • 공인회계사

  • 딜로이트 안진 회계법인

  • ​삼도회계법인 상무

팀 회의
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